Create Podcasts with AI

The Easiest Way to Produce a Podcast

Create a podcast with just a few clicks using the AI of lizzen Studio. From a single episode to a full season production. Use one of our voices from the library or clone your own.

5 Versuche verbleibend

Podcast with lizzen Studio

Science for Everybody - The Curiosity Show

Podcast Add-on

Each Episode Just a Few Clicks Away

App screenshot
AI-Powered Content Creation:
In lizzen Studio, you can easily and efficiently create content for your podcast episodes with the support of artificial intelligence.
Translate your podcast into up to 29 different languages without additional effort.
RSS Feed:
lizzen Studio provides an RSS feed for your podcast.
Voice Cloning:
Clone your own voice or use one of the professional voices from the library.

Start Your Podcast

Your first episode is just a few clicks away.